In 2018 Ignalina Nuclear Power Planr (Ignalina NPP) dismantled over 5 thousand tonnes (5 125) of equipment.
Within the entire decommissioning period (from 2010) Ignalina NPP has dismantled over 50 thousand tonnes (50 262) of equipment and related structures. This takes 32 per cent of the overall equipment quantity planned for dismantling during the decommissioning period.
According to the data for the year 2018 Ignalina NPP has dismantled 156 549 tonnes of equipment in total.
The rate of dismantling works constantly accelerates after the shut-down of Ignalina NPP. Currently, the enterprise continues proactive dismantling of the turbine hall of the 2 Unit and D2 unit (room of deaerators) and reach about 83 per cent and 18 per cent of dismantled equipment and related structures accordingly.
The major part of dismantled equipment has passed through the radiological control and was sold at auctions as a metal scrap. The remaining part of it is temporary stored in the territory of the enterprise before transportation for the final placement to repositories.
In 2018 Ignalina NPP organised 69 auctions in order to sell no longer required assets and earned about EUR 1.9 million income. About EUR 1 million (EUR 930 599 05) was earned from the dismantled equipment.
Dismantling and decontaminations works are carried out in accordance with the approved work execution schedule by own resources of Ignalina NPP. Works are is financed by International INPP Decommissioning Support Fund and Ignalina Programme Fund.
Natalija Survila-Glebova,
Head of Communications
Tel. (8-386) 28242