This year June 15 the SE Ignalina NPP reopened a tender for consultancy services related to the dismantling of reactor shaft systems. The previously announced procurement was cancelled due to following changes in the essential terms of the contract, which required adjustments to the procurement documents. This consultancy is needed to bring international best practices in the management and implementation of complex projects.
This procurement will provide the Ignalina NPP with dismantling project management consultancy, focusing on the management of major projects in accordance with international best practice, advice on the selection of the best option for dismantling the reactor core, key technical decisions to be taken, resolution of potential problems, etc. The service provider will provide independent analyses and other technical and engineering support as required of the designers' proposed technical solutions, calculations, data, methodologies, and underlying assumptions.
The preliminary contract for project management and technical advisory services is expected to be for six years, i.e. for the entire technology design and licensing phase. The maximum contract price is €9 million euro. The actual volume of consultancy services to be procured will depend on the needs of Ignalina NPP.
The international procurement of consultancy services is open to legal entities that meet the qualification requirements set out in the tender documents. It should be noted that the contract will be concluded with the winner of the consultancy services after a decision has been taken, in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on the Protection of Objects Critical to the National Security of the Republic of Lithuania, that the envisaged contract is in the interests of national security.
Link to the published public procurement: CVPP (
Link to TED announcement:
The project is funded by the EU Ignalina Programme Fund.
We would like to remind you that the Ignalina NPP is approaching a major challenge in its decommissioning activities - the dismantling of reactors. The dismantling of the world's two most powerful RBMK reactors is a decommissioning project that is unique in global practice.
The public procurement of reactor decommissioning design services has been announced by the Ignalina NPP in May 2021. The evaluation of the proposals received is in its final stage.
Elektrinės str. 4, K 47
Drūkšinių vil.
31152 Visagino mun.
State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Registration Nr. 255450080
VAT code LT 554500811
Data are accumulated and stored in the Register of Legal
Phone +370 386 28985
Fax +370 386 24396
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