The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant has published an updated Operational Strategy 2023-2027, the cornerstone of which is to meet the expectations of stakeholders. The strategy identifies the main stakeholders and takes into account the needs of each of them. The enterprise has formulated and anchored specific long-term commitments and objectives.
To ensure the success of the objectives pursued, the strategy also includes indicators to clearly measure the implementation of commitments and the long-term value created for each of the key stakeholders. The INPP Operational Strategy 2023-2027 identifies three ambitious strategic activities - to increase the pace of work and achieve decommissioning within the planned timeframe, to be included in the top 3 best-performing SOEs in terms of sustainability, and to be among the top 10 best-performing SOEs as an employer.
"For the period of the strategy, we have a clear objective and direction - to use the experience and lessons learned to continue the work we have started and to increase the pace of implementation. We will also pay close attention to the sustainability of the business and the development of the organisation. We are on the right track and have ambitious plans for the future - to become one of the best state-owned enterprises. These are the expectations of our key stakeholders, for whom my team and I have set clear objectives and developed targeted actions. Meanwhile, we are facing new tasks and challenges in the near future: the development of a concept for the dismantling of the reactors, the start of construction of a surface repository for short-lived low- and intermediate-level waste, a second campaign for transporting the waste to the repository, and a significant increase in the volume of radioactive waste to be dismantled and managed. We continue to implement important government projects that are intensive and require a fast pace of work. Meanwhile, we are preparing to change our legal status from a state enterprise to a closed joint-stock company, which we hope will allow us to operate in accordance with the best management practices of modern organisations and help us achieve our goals faster and more efficiently," said Audrius Kamienas, Director General of INPP, commenting on the strategic direction of the company.