- executive compliance of the communication process ensuring the official positions and interests of the Enterprise
- preparation and dissemination of press releases, information and comments to the media and other stakeholders
- ensuring the planning and coordination of public campaigns and events for the name strengthening, initiation and execution of activities and projects
- ensuring internal communication, communication tools for improving employee involvement and coordinating their implementation
E-mail jolita.mazeikiene[eta]iae.lt
Mobile phone (+370) 691 02 974
For requests for interviews or filming, find at least three working days before the visit and give us detailed information about:
- the name of the representative media (television channel, newspaper, etc.)
- the purpose of the interview / filming (preferred interviewees, language of the interview and topics)
- the exact date and time of the planned visit
- desired access points to INPP (reactor hall, radioactive waste storage facilities, turbine hall, unit control panel, etc.).
- Your request letter shuld be send to info@iae.lt
SE Ignalina NPP logos (download zip).
Please note that the photos in the gallery can be used with the @IAE archive.