Application of Ignalina NPP to issue a license for decommissioning of Maisiagala radioactive waste storage facility

List of documents and their submission schedule according to the application of SE Ignalina NPP regarding the issue of the licence for the performing of Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility decommissioning were agreed

On 12 April 2019, the State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) has agreed the list of documents and their submission schedule according to the application of SE Ignalina NPP regarding the issue of the licence for the performing of Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility decommissioning.

SE Ignalina NPP will provide the necessary documents by the agreed schedule for VATESI decision. The revised application*, by which SE Ignalina NPP applies for the issue of the license to perform Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility (Maišiagala RWSF) decommissioning, VATESI has received on February 2019. SE Ignalina NPP, together with this application, has submitted the list of necessary documents and their submission schedule for the obtaining of the licence.

SE Ignalina NPP is informing the public about the licencing process and the possibility to get acquainted with the documents submitted by the schedule according to the Nuclear Safety Requirements BSR-1.1.5-2017 “Rules of Procedure for Public Participation in Decision-making in the Area of Nuclear Energy” (hereinafter – BSR-1.1.5-217), approved on 23 October 2017 by the Order No. 22.3-182 of the Head of VATESI.

The documents submitted to VATESI and supporting the licence, as well as their submission schedule are publicised at the Ignalina NPP internet site. At the moment, the following documents are submitted to VATESI:

No Title of the document
1. The statutes of SE Ignalina NPP, DVSta-0104-1V11
2. Order No. 8A-97 issued by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania on 20 June 2018 “On the appointment of the Director General of State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant”

Order No. 1-65 issued by the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania on 10 March 2015 “On the approval of the Board of SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant”

Amendment to the Order No. 1-65

Amendment to the Order No. 1-65

SE Ignalina NPP organizational structure, DVSta-0121-1V11

Order No. ĮsTa-289 on the organizational structure


Description of the organizational structure of SE Ignalina NPP, DVSta-0117-13V4

Amendment to the Order No. ĮsTa-290


The documents associated to the first and second levels of the SE INPP Management System:
6.1 Strategy of the SE Ignalina NPP activity, DVSta-0102-1VI
SE Ignalina NPP Management system manual, DVSta-0108-4V4
6.3 List of documents for the first and the second management system levels of SE Ignalina NPP


Safety analysis report (the date of submission to VATESI 18-03-2020)


Regarding the submission of the description of the Maisiagala RW storage facility decommissioning project
(the date of submission to VATESI – 05-06-2020)

Please contact directly by for the specific sections of the description


Report on the independent review of the safety analysis report (the date of submission to VATESI 18-03-2020)


List of safety-critical structures, systems and components (the date of submission to VATESI 18-03-2020, please see Nr 7)


11.1. Description of the procedure of safety culture management (MS-2-001-4), DVSta-0111-4V5
 Safety Culture and Safety Culture Development Action Plan for 2020 MnDPI-205 (3.265E)


Description of the procedure of the management of use of exploitation experience (MS-2003-1), DVSta-0311-1V4


13.1. Instruction on analysis of unusual events at SE Ignalina NPP, DVSed-0312-5V4
13.2. Instruction on notification about unusual events at SE Ignalina NPP, DVSta0312-8V5


Updated list of documents of Maišiagala RWS safety-critical structures, systems and components during operation, maintenance, monitoring and inspections during decommissioning (the date of submission to VATESI - 16-04-2020)


15.1 Analysis of possible consequences of nuclear and radiological accidents at Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Facility (the date of submission to VATESI – 23-12-2019)
15.2 Annexes to the Report of the Analysis of possible consequences of nuclear and radiological accidents at Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Facility (the date of submission to VATESI – 23-12-2019)
15.3 The results of the radiation doses calculated by the program PC Cosyma  (the date of submission to VATESI – 23-12-2019)


Description of the system of the accounting of the small quantities fissile materials at the SE Ignalina NPP, DVSed-1217-2


Description of the human resources management procedure (MS-2-014-1), DVSta1411-1V3


Free-form declaration confirming that the number and competence of SE Ignalina NPP employees are suitable for the decommissioning of Maišiagala RW storage facility


List of job positions at SE Ignalina NPP which are important for nuclear, radiation and physical safety, DVSed-1416-2V6


Long-term plan for ensuring the competence of employees holding important job positions at SE Ignalina NPP, issued 29 March 2018, MnDPl-l(3.254)


Letter to VATESI on the appointment of the person responsible for fire safety during the decommissioning of Maišiagala RWSF (the date of submission to VATESI – 31-12-2019)


Declaration on available means and forces for organization of fire fighting and elimination of their consequences at Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility


Radionuclide emission plan (the date of submission to VATESI – 18-03-2020)


Radiation safety program (the date of submission to VATESI – 24-01-2020)


Updated Program on radioactive waste management at Ignalina NPP during the decommissioning, DVSed-1310-1V5


Maišiagala RW storage facility Protection Zone Establishment Analysis Report No.6S-50S (20.2.2S), approved by Order No. 1S-6RN (20.1.5RN) (submitted to VATESI, undisclosed information)


Physical security plan of Maišiagala RW storage facility (submitted to VATESI, undisclosed information)


Efficiency assessment program of physical security system at the nuclear facility approved on 1st of March, 2020 by general directof of Ingalina NPP No. VĮs-60 (accepted, undisclosed information)


Maišiagala RW Storage Facility Physical Security System Efficiency Evaluation Report No. 6S-48S  (20.2.2S) (the date of submission to VATESI on 16-11-2020, undisclosed information)


Declaration on the concluded cooperation agreement on the physical protection of the Maišiagala RW storage facility


Final emergency preparedness plan and test report:

32.1 Updated SE Ignalina NPP Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) in connection with the decommissioning of Maišiagala RW storage facility,  DVSta-0841-1, the date of submission to VATESI 08-10-2020 by letter No. ĮS-4628 (3.2E), documents of EPP working  part submitted to VATESI on 30-10-2020 by document No. ĮS-5049 (3.2E).

Please contact directly by  for the specific sections of the plan

32.2 SE Ignalina NPP Emergency Preparedness Plan Test Report


Final plan for Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility decommissioning, approved on 5 October 2018 by the Order No. 1-272 of the Minister of Energy

Order No. 1-272


Applicant's declatarion (the tade of submission to VATESI 12-02-2020)


Compilation of general data related to the decommissioning of Maišiagala RW storage facility


Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program, DVSed-0410-3V 7, agreed with Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health


Environmental Protection Agency document no. (30.1) -A4E-9179 (dated 15-10-2020)  "Decision on the need for an integrated pollution prevention and control permit"

Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility is a 200 m3 capacity monolithic reinforced concrete basement located at a depth of 3 m. The place of location is Bartkuškis forest in Širvintos district. The exploitation of Maišiagala “Radon” type storage facility was discontinued in 1989. There are stored the radioactive wastes from industry, medicine and scientific research institutions collected during 1963–1989. The storage facility is located at the distance of 9 km from Maišiagala and 40 km from Vilnius.

The licence for the performing of decommissioning is required for the removal of radioactive waste, structures contaminated by radionuclides, and soil from Maišiagala RWSF. The removed waste is planned to be sorted and transported to Ignalina NPP Solid Waste Management and Storage Facilities, where it will be processed and placed into special storage facilities at Ignalina NPP.

The purpose of decommissioning Maišiagala RWSF is to remove all radioactive waste, structures contaminated by radionuclides, and soil from the territory of the Maišiagala RWSF, then to improve the territory and cancel the radiation control. For this purpose it is necessary to perform the following works:

  • after installation of appropriate equipment at the Maišiagala RWSF site, remove all stored radioactive waste and contaminated soil;
  • after initial sorting and preparation for transportation, transport the radioactive waste and contaminated soil to Ignalina NPP for further storage and treatment;
  • after removal of radioactive waste and contaminated soil, perform final radiological survey of the site and determine the compliance of the Maišiagala RWSF territory and existing on it structures to uncontrolled levels of radioactivity;
  • after evidence that the structures and site of Maišiagala RWSF correspond to uncontrolled levels of radioactivity and the criteria for site release, the radiation control of Maišiagala RWSF and its status as a nuclear facility should be cancelled.

It is planned that about 300 m3 of radioactive waste, i.e. about 0.23 percent of all radioactive waste that will be generated during the decommissioning of SE Ignalina NPP, will be accumulated at the time of decommissioning of Maišiagala RWSF.

After the release of the Maišiagala Radioactive Waste Storage Facility site, it can be used for other activities without any restrictions.

(*) The application was submitted to VATESI by the Radioactive Waste Management Agency in January 2018. The application was amended taking into account the fact that the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste Management Agency was reorganized by the way of its incorporation into State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Since 1 January 2019, SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant has assumed the rights and obligations of the SE Radioactive Waste Management Agency.