Execution of equipment dismantling and decontamination works
Dismantling and decontamination of Unit G-1 equipment started in October 2011 and were completed in July 2016.
- Necessary preparatory works have been carried out to dismantle and decontaminate the equipment;
- The main dismantling works of Unit G-1 equipment started in January 2012 (after receiving an amended license with VATESI permission to perform equipment dismantling works);
- In December 2013 the operation of the equipment of the waste shredding and decontamination facility and the ventilation facility was started.
All dismantling work by the 2206 project has been completed in December 2019. During the period of implementation of 2206 project , 18,944 tons of equipment were dismantled.
The diagram shows the dismantling of equipment by year (t)